
"Heavenly Earth Movement" Launch To Save The Earth! | わたしたちの地球を救おう!「地球を天国にするムーブメント」スタート


Heavenly Earth Movement by ONENESS IN LOVE INC.


November is approaching and people are walking around in T-shirts and no sleeves. Around this time of the year in New York, it used to be so cold that we had to bundle up in coats and scarves. Even though I am not fond of cold weather and as much as I want to say let’s enjoy the warm weather I am extremely worrisome about what our future would be like if we continue this path. The climate crisis is already threatening our daily life whether you feel or experience it or not. Just like coronavirus, climate change does not discriminate against anyone on earth. Now, urgent changes in the way we think, the way we act, how we live, and how our society is being asked.

In order to protect the Earth, our home, we need collective efforts from everyone. Even if we can't do it alone, if everyone joins forces, there is hope and before long, the great transformation will occur. Let’s educate ourselves, inspire each other, share what we know, and let the "Heavenly Earth Movement" be the turning point for better and peaceful earth for everyone. If we all work together, we can bring back a wonderful future with clean air, clean water, safe food full of original vitality, and safe living!

The power within us is very powerful. In order to bring out the best of it, ONENESS IN LOVE INC. offers various reading sessions and seminars.
Through the messages from the universe conveyed by psychic Setsu, it is our mission to help everyone remember their soul, their true self, and know true happiness in life and that each person will regain peace and bring back love and power in their lives. Each activity at ONENESS IN LOVE INC. will lead to peace on earth. Because individuals' peace, hope, and determination will create peace on earth.

We believe that each and every one of us is a powerful being if we all come together to achieve the same goal, we will make a huge achievement.
That's why we are asking everyone to join Heavenly Earth Movement with us!

Our focus is to: (but is not limited to)

 Bring more awareness to what is happening to our earth
 Provide a safe place for everyone to gain and exchange valuable information
 Engage in actions towards making the world a better place

The contents of the Heavenly Earth Movement will be accessible to everyone on social media, YouTube, blog, website, and more.
It is important to know the data and stats of the facts, but of course, we are ONENESS IN LOVE INC.!
Many of the contents will be messages from the universe through psychic Setsu!

Some of you may already know about the climate change issue from the news and social media, and some of you may be actively taking action for the solutions. What we need to do now is not let the problems we are facing on a global scale end up being someone else's problem.

Climate change is also related to a variety of social issues, which can make us feel overwhelmed, lonely, hopeless, and want to give up. Because it is such a big issue, we hope that through this movement we can all work together, encourage and inspire each other, and move forward together, step by step, so that we do not lose hope. Just as a small act of kindness is actually a big step, being aware of the issue of climate change is a big step in itself. The fact that you're reading this article is already a powerful action! Thank you for taking the time to read it.

Please look forward to our future activities. Let's use #heavenlyearthmovement to spread this movement. Let's start consciously living a sustainable life for ourselves, for our loved ones, for those around us, for all people, for our future children, for animals, for the nature that keeps us alive, and for the planet as a whole. By doing so, our beloved earth will be reborn as a peaceful and comfortable place to live.




わたしたち一人一人が持っているパワーはとてもパワフルです。それを最大限に引き出していただくためにONENESS IN LOVE INC.ではさまざまなリーディングセッションセミナーなどを通して活動をしています。サイキックSetsu(節)が伝える大宇宙からのメッセージを通じて、みなさんが本当の自分である魂とつながることで内なる真の力を思い出し、人生において真の幸せを知ってもらい、おひとりおひとりが心に平和を、そして人生に愛と力を取り戻していただく。それこそが私たちONENESS IN LOVE INC.の使命です。このONENESS IN LOVE INC.の活動一つ一つは地球の平和へとつながります。ひとりひとりの心の平和と希望と決心こそが地球の平和を実現させるからです。




データや統計を知ることもとても重要なことですが、私たちはONENESS IN LOVE INC.ですからね!





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